Saturday, August 23, 2008

Photo Story Fridays...a day late ;)

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

Ok, ok...I know I'm supposed to do this on Fridays...but this week, deadlines aren't really working for me! :)

I took this picture in May. The reason I want to reminisce now is that I feel I could do better at recycling since moving back home to Michigan. Baton Rouge had the most "user friendly" recycling program. I give them kudos because everyone in East Baton Rouge Parish (they don't have counties) that had trash service also received a big blue can for recycling. There was no need to sort your recyclables, and they took all numbers of plastic! It was awesome. Of course, we lived in an apartment, so we didn't get our own Kirby...but it was fun to load up the car once a month to go to the pick up spot. They had the normal squishy garbage trucks parked in an empty lot on the third Saturday of the month. All you had to do was drive up in between the orange cones, and the volunteers had your car emptied in minutes! It was so convenient!

Maybe because I go more often it just feels as if I'm not recycling as much. Or, maybe it is because I am making a conscious effort to use less, compost more, and just have less waste overall. There's just something nice about not having to sort your recyclables. Maybe we can help Jackson, MI implement a system like Baton Rouge's. We'll see...


LeeAnn | {froggyleggs} said...

You can still do the drive up and drop off deal on one saturday a month at the Morrell St. location. I believe it is $5 donation though, and I do think they have to be sorted. so Yeah i guess it really isnt the same. Are you connected with the "Recycling Jackson" blog? If not let me know, and ill send you the link.

Brandy said...

Go green!

Nickie said...

I am subscribed to the Recycling Jackson blog. I think what they are doing is great!
But, I just take my stuff downtown whenever it is convenient. I must say, not having to save it up for a month is great! But free is also a bonus. :) Especially when my future father-in-law is in the trash business, and they make quite a bit of money on the recyclables! I was surprised! That is part of the reason every trash company fights over the recycling contracts.