Saturday, August 16, 2008

Adventures In Canning

Ok, so I have never canned anything in my life before yesterday! After talking with Koleen about all of the vegetables in my kitchen that weren't going to make it if I didn't do something with them...we decided to take advantage of the situation, and her excess veggies, and did some canning.

We picked some more tomatoes to add to our surplus, and made some rockin' salsa! I can't wait to try it. We had so much stuff, we ended up with 12 pints...6 for each of us! That's a lotta salsa!

The dilly beans should be excellent as well. Some with red pepper flakes...and some with ground cayenne pepper...and of course, big cloves of garlic!! I can't wait till those are ready to crack open!

And, here's our little helper....
don't worry mom, they are sanitized! ;)

We ended up with over 2 dozen jars full. Not bad for my first time. :)

I also had an extra 10 ears of some great sweet corn from the family garden that I wanted to enjoy. So, I found this handy little vacuum sealing gizmo that came with bags (on clearance at Meijer for only $10) and it worked great for my first attempt at freezer corn! Yay, sweet corn in the winter!!

1 comment:

Koleen said...

I had so much fun canning! I am glad we are turning into old ladies.