Wednesday, April 8, 2009

too long....

I'm so fired! It has been way too long since I last blogged.

Just a quick update, and I'll fill in the details later:
I love Florida! The weather is great...I bought a bike (and only crashed it once so far)! I got a job bartending part time at a local Veteran's's awesome! and I can ride my bike to work. I'm meeting all kinds of great people from all over. :) I'm researching getting my real estate license to sell part I don't feel like I want to use my HR degree right now. I'm also looking into taking some classes at the community college in web design, since I don't have my own personal teacher after moving out of Koleen and Mike's house. :)

That's the short version...I'll update this soon!!



Koleen said...

It has been WAY too long! Glad you are loving it in Florida! We do miss you, but we are surviving.

Brandy said...

It sounds like you are loving Florida! The weather must be nice compared to Michigan. Send some of that sunshine up this way!